sito ufficiale della corona britannica in Italia

Sito ufficiale della Corona Britannica in Italia
Ri/viste lib/e/ri w/ideo
International group and relase

sabato 18 settembre 2021

Elisabeth and the British State.

The British State : Paul Windsor is King of United Kingdom ?

Elizabeth : of  course but i...

The British State : Not of course but , but actually the game in course change the statement of the vertices of the United Kingdom and Paul Windsor is the King for all Reign and for all you.

Elizabeth : of course ! 

BBC today in London 17 - 9 -21 - first century of contemporary age. 

Paul Windsor Borbone Macchi is King of United Kingdom. 

Actually the British Throne has a Reagent to London.

And a great numbers of  Lords and Sirs in progress for this epocal changement.

The news today Britannic Crown 

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